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  • If I watched the training last year, do I have to do it again this year?"
    Due to new and improved changes to the program, training should be completed each particpating year. It should only take approximately 15 minutes to complete these two videos.
  • Do I have to take the quiz at the end of the two required training videos?
    Yes. The quiz asks for your contact information and any comments you may have on the video. This will help us let your district coordinator know who completed training.
  • Do I have to hold a teacher training?
    Kids Read Now encourages holding a teacher training to inform your teachers of the program. We have found this the most effective way to educate teachers about the program or program updates.
  • What should I do during teacher training?
    During teacher training, we encourage you to distribute program materials such as Wish Lists and posters. Inform your teachers that they must help their students select their 8 books and send home the Guardian Contact Form. The Guardian Contact Form is not required for a student to participate. Finally, be sure to set a date and inform your teachers of the deadline to return forms to their Building or District Coordinator or a deadline to complete the online selection process.
  • Can I give my teachers access to this website?
    Yes! Feel free to give your teacher this link: and the site password. If you don't remember the password, email Teachers are welcome to access the training videos and resources.
  • Do students have to return the Book List and Guardian Contact Form to participate?
    No. Students may still select their books and participate in the program even if the guardian does not return the Guardian Contact Form or update their information online. All students will be given a grade specific list in case they do not select their own books given your district has uploaded their CSV file.
  • Does the guardian have to sign the form to update contact information?
    No. Guardians do not have to sign the for their student to participate or to update contact information. We reccomend they update their contact information online or using paper forms if available.
  • How do I enter student book choices?
    Please view the Enrollment How To Videos. Students can enter their own books online or using paper forms if available. Teachers and educators can also log into their portal account to enter books for their students using the quick add feature.
  • When will my enrollment materials be delivered?
    Enrollment materials should be delivered in the months of February and March. Please contact your Account Manger or for more details. Enrollment materials are mailed after your district has uploaded their CSV file.
  • Can I change student book choices after the deadline?
    Changes to book selections cannot be made after the forms have been returned to Kids Read Now. Kids Read Now orders books for the summer program at the time of enrollment. Having student book choices uploaded helps us keep enough books in stock to meet your students’ needs.
  • Does my Family Reading Event have to be held in the evening?
    Your family reading event may be held at any time of day! Do what works best for your guardians. Many schools choose to hold their family reading event on its own or pair it with another event like Muffins for Mom or Donuts for Dad.
  • Does my Family Reading Event have to be held in the last two weeks of school?
    We encourage schools to hold their family reading event in the last two weeks of school, so the program is fresh in the minds of students and guardians. Your family reading event materials will arrive within one week prior to your event.
  • When will my Family Reading Event materials be delivered?
    Your family reading event materials will be delivered within a week of your event. To update the date of your event, email your account manager or
  • What will be included in my Family Reading Event materials?
    Your students’ first book and parent guide.
  • How will Family Reading Event materials be packaged?
    Each school will recieve a shipment of parent guides and books labeled for each student.
  • Will there be a KRN representative at my family reading event?
    If you would like to request a KRN representative attend your family reading event, please email
  • What should I do at my Family Reading Event?
    Please view the family reading event informational video. You may also email your Account Manager or to help you generate ideas.
  • We had a student move out of the district. What do we do with their books?
    You can replace a student who moved out of the district with another student who is not yet enrolled. If you can get the first book to the student who moved, they can change their address with us and still participate from their new address.
  • When will you call, text, or email the guardians in our district?"
    We will contact guardians in your district on the same night each week. If you would like to know the specific day we call your district, please email or your Account Manager.
  • Can I view student progress over the summer?
    Yes. Please watch theAnalytics How To video for assistance with this. You may also contact or your Account Manager with questions.
  • What students will receive prizes in the fall?
    Prizes and certificate vary based on the program your district purchased.
  • When do I send in our reading scores for analysis?
    Kids Read Now will contact you in the fall with an official request and specifics on the analysis.
  • What is the summer reading slide?
    Each summer, students take a three-month break from school. Those who don’t read over the summer lose two to three months of reading ability, leaving them over a year behind by the time they reach fourth grade. -Of those not reading at grade level by fourth grade: -1 in 10 will go to jail -Only 1 in 27 will graduate from college -86% will never earn more than minimum wage By providing choices, challenges, and rewards throughout the program, we keep kids reading over the summer and prevent the summer reading slide.
  • Why do you only serve K-3 students?
    From kindergarten through third grade, children learn to read; after third grade, they read to learn. By fourth grade, students need to use their reading skills to succeed in other subjects, and if they haven’t mastered reading by then, they may keep falling behind. -Of those not reading at grade level by fourth grade: -1 in 10 will go to jail -Only 1 in 27 will graduate from college -86% will never earn more than minimum wage
  • I am a Building or District Coordinator. What is my next step?
    Download the Implementation Check List to see your next step or email your Account Manager.
  • What if I do not enroll my contracted amount?
    There will be no credits or refunds issued for under enrollment. Your district should have automatically enrolled all contracted students at the beginning of the program. These students are given a grade-specific book list until they choose the books they want to read.
  • Can I view this training website on my cell phone?
    Yes! This website is available on mobile.
  • Who is my Account Manager?
    Email to find out!
  • What is an Account Manager?
    The KRN representative responsible for helping clients implement the KRN program. They are your guide to any and all questions you may have throughout the implementation process.
  • Have a question regarding guardians in our program?
    Click here for answers.

Still have questions?

Email your KRN Account Manager or for further assistance!

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